Youtube - Adblock

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Re: Youtube - Adblock

Message par Aurel96 »

Gilbert a écrit : 21 oct. 2023, 12:47 C'est chouette tous ces gens qui bloquent les pubs , ils aident donc tous les créateurs de contenus d'autres façons ! 😀
Dans l'abonnement "Youtube Premium" , je me demande bien ce qui revient réellement aux créateurs de contenus (j'ai l'impression que c'est assez dérisoire par rapport à la part que Google se met dans la poche :wink: )
C'est ça le véritable souci. Un youtuber gagnerait entre 1 et 2€ par 1000 vues ...

Je visionne largement moins de 1000 vidéos par mois,
Du coup, si je prends ce calcul : sur un abonnement Yt Pretium à 12€, c'est au moins 10€* dans la poche de Google - et que maximum 2€* pour les créateurs de contenus.
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Re: Youtube - Adblock

Message par solar10 »

Surtout qu'une bonne partie sont les débilos d'influenceurs.
Les artistes ont quasiment tous une source de revenus alternative à YT comme patreon pour ne citer qu'une. Et j'ai plus facile de donner via cette plateforme que via YT.
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Re: Youtube - Adblock

Message par POLO9999 »

Tiens, un petit script GitHub qui retire le blocage de YT envers l'AdBlock : ... /tree/main . Outil puissant car il retire le script lié a l'anti-ad-block...
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Re: Youtube - Adblock

Message par Zolkra »

Salut ici j'au un script qui peux s'exécuter avec une extension web tu as le choix (tampermonkey, violent monkey, etc...).
Suffit de prendre l'extension et d'ajouter un script et il va s'exécuter tout seul !

Voici le script :

code : Tout sélectionner

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Youtube Anti-anti-adblock
// @namespace
// @version      0.12
// @description  Replaces the youtube video player with a youtube embed iframe to subvert the anti-adblock measures.
// @author       Chami
// @match*
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==


YT player locations:

  > #player > #player-wrap > #player-api
  > ytd-app > #content > #page-manager > ytd-watch-flexy
    > #full-bleed-container
    > #columns > #primary > #primary-inner > #player > #player-container-outer > #player-container-inner > #container
      > #player-container > #ytd-player > #container
        > #movie_player > .html5-video-container > video //before
        > #movie_player > #aab-embed                     //after


(function() {
    'use strict';

    function log(message) {
        console.log("AAB: " + message);

    function callPlayer(func, args) {
        if (!embed) return;
            'event': 'command',
            'func': func,
            'args': args || []
        }), '*');

    // get the video ID of the video currently being watched
    function youtube_parser(url){
        var regExp = /^.*((\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#&?]*).*/;
        var match = url.match(regExp);
        return (match&&match[7].length==11)? match[7] : false;

    // replace the youtube player with the embed
    function replacePlayer(videoId, timestamp) {
        // movie_player contains all the player controls, get rid of them and replace with the embed
        const player = document.getElementById('movie_player');
        if (!player && !embed) {
            // We're still loading the initial page; do nothing
            log("page loading; skipping.");
            return false;

        log("checking for video player.");
        const videoEls = player.getElementsByClassName('html5-main-video');

        if (videoEls.length > 1) {
            log("there seem to be multiple video players?");

        // if we have an html5 player (no anti-adblock)
        if (videoEls.length > 0 && !!videoEls[0].src) {
            log("html5 player present. using that instead.");
            if (embed) {
                log("removing embed.");
                embed = undefined;
        // if there's no html5 player (anti-adblock present)
        else {
            log("no html5 player present. adding embed.");
            // remove the notice
            const errorOverlay = document.getElementById('error-screen');
            if (errorOverlay) {
                log("error overlay removed.");
            var src = `${videoId}?enablejsapi=1`;
            if (!!timestamp && timestamp.length) {
                let time = timestamp[0]
                time = time.replace(/s$/, '');
                src += `&start=${time}`
            if (embed) {
                embed.src = src;
                player.innerHtml = '';
            else {
                // replace the player
                player.innerHTML = `<iframe id="aab-embed" width="100%" height="100%" src="${src}" allow="autoplay"></iframe>`;
                embed = document.getElementById('aab-embed');
            log("YouTube player replaced with embed iframe.");
            return true;

    // replace player again after the user navigates to a new video
    document.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", function(event) {
        stage = 0;
        // clear the embed if we've added it already
        const embed = document.getElementById('aab-embed');
        if (embed) embed.remove();
        // replace the video on the new page
        const videoId = youtube_parser(document.location.href);
        if (!videoId) return;
        const url = new URL(document.location.href);
        replacePlayer(videoId, url.searchParams.getAll('t'));

    // unhide the player container stuff in case anti-adblock hid it
    GM_addStyle('ytd-watch-flexy[player-unavailable] #player-container-outer.ytd-watch-flexy { visibility: visible !important; }');

    // hold onto the embed for later reference
    var embed = null;

    const descObserver = new MutationObserver(textContainersMutated);
    const commentsObserver = new MutationObserver(commentsContainerMutated);
    const textObserver = new MutationObserver(textContainersMutated);

    // set up the mutation observer to monitor for when the player is added
    const pageManager = document.getElementById('page-manager');
    const pageObserver = new MutationObserver(pageMutated);
    try {
        log("observing page manager.");
        pageObserver.observe(pageManager, { childList: true });
    catch (error) {
        log("couldn't observe page manager.");

    var stage = 0;
    const observingTag = 'aab-observing';

    function pageMutated(mutationList, observer) {
        if (stage >= 2) return;

        for (const mutation of mutationList) {
            if (mutation.type === "childList") {
                log(`anti-anti-adblock reacting to element mutation. Stage ${stage}`);
                if (stage === 0) {
                    // looking for the main player container
                    const playerContainer = document.getElementById('player');
                    if (!playerContainer) {
                        log("no player container found.");


                    // the actual player itself hasn't been added yet
                    // so we need to monitor the element it'll be added to
                    const ytdPlayer = document.getElementById('ytd-player');
                    const ytdContainer = ytdPlayer.getElementsByClassName('ytd-player');
                    if (ytdContainer.length == 1) {
                        stage = 1;
                        log("observing containers.");
                        pageObserver.observe(ytdContainer[0], { childList: true });
                else if (stage === 1) {
                    // should have the player ready to replace now
                    const videoId = youtube_parser(document.location.href);
                    if (!videoId) {
                        log("not a video page.");
                    const url = new URL(document.location.href);
                    if (!replacePlayer(videoId, url.searchParams.getAll('t'))) continue;

                    stage = 2;

    function addTextObservers() {
        const desc = document.querySelectorAll('#description-inline-expander yt-attributed-string')[0];
        if (desc && !desc.classList.contains(observingTag)) {
            try {
                log("observing video description.");
                descObserver.observe(desc, { childList: true });
            catch (error) {
                log("couldn't observe video description.");

        const comments = document.querySelectorAll('#comments')[0];
        if (comments && !comments.classList.contains(observingTag)) {
            try {
                log("observing comments section.");
                commentsObserver.observe(comments, { childList: true });
            catch (error) {
                log("couldn't observe comments section.");

    function commentsContainerMutated(mutationList, observer) {
        log("comments section mutated.");
        for (const mutation of mutationList) {
            const comments = document.querySelectorAll('#comments > #sections > #contents')[0];
            textObserver.observe(comments, { childList: true });

    function textContainersMutated(mutationList, observer) {
        for (const mutation of mutationList) {
            for (let i = 0; i < Array.from(mutation.addedNodes).length; i++) {
                const node = mutation.addedNodes[i];
                const links = node.querySelectorAll('#comment #body #comment-content #content-text a');
                if (!links.length) continue;

                for (let l = 0; l < links.length; l++) {
                    const link = links[l];
                    const taggedClass = 'aab-link';
                    if (link.classList.contains(taggedClass)) continue;

                    const matches = /(?:(?<hh>\d\d?):)?(?<mm>\d\d?):(?<ss>\d\d?)/.exec(link.innerText);
                    if (!matches) continue;

                    let timestamp = (Number(*60)+Number(;
                    if (matches.groups.hh > 0) {
                        timestamp += Number(matches.groups.hh) * 60 * 60;

                    log(`found timestamp ${timestamp}`);
                    link.addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
                        callPlayer('seekTo', [timestamp]);

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