Dernières infos du consortium DRM
18 service audio et 6 services data à partir d'un seul émetteur...
The DRM in FM – Band in Delhi is On
As you know this trial was kicked off on February 24th and 25th at the HQ of AIR in Delhi: ... radio-air/
The actual trial started yesterday and real measurements were recorded today. We are shadowing the AIR team taking the measurements. Pls see attached a recording on a mobile taken outside, hence the surrounding noise and some other pictures taken today.
The trial will continue in Jaipur next week, hopefully. This city has been chosen particularly so that we can demonstrate a flexible multi-DRM transmission of up to 6 DRM signals – providing up to 24 DRM services (18 audio programmes plus 6 stand-alone Journaline services) from a single FM-band transmitter.
You will find images and videos about DRM and the trial on YouTube, Twitter and our new account on Instagram
2.A new blog : ... d-reality/
3.DRM General Assembly – virtual on April 15th in two parts:
0930-1230 GMT – OPEN session so pls attend and invite people you think might want a quick update on DRM)
1330-1600 GMT – MEMBERS only
Please register so you can get a Zoom invitation in good time.
DRM en bande FM
Modérateur : alloja
- Mike
- Membre
- Messages : 1394
- Enregistré le : 28 nov. 2017, 16:45
- Score de réactions : 4
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